Just published: “Erziehungsförderung in Migrationsfamilien”

Reisenauer, Eveline (2022) Erziehungsförderung in Migrationsfamilien: Perspektiven einer migrationssensiblen Familienbildung. In: Peterlini, Hans Karl / Donlic, Jasmin (Eds.) Familie. Jahrbuch Migration und Gesellschaft. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 21–33. DOI: 10.14361/9783839459379-002

The article aims to raise awareness of the connections between migration,
family and parenthood. Taking family education in Germany, it explores
how parenthood is understood and approached in migrant families. The
results presented on family education in the context of migration were
obtained from the Diversity and Change in Parenting in Migrant Families
research project (DIWAN). Firstly, it tracks the change in the approach of
family education to migration issues since the 1980s. It then focuses on how
family education deals with migration-related diversity. Finally, it considers
the perspective of parents with migration experience on family education.
In summary, the article argues for migration-aware family education that
takes into account both the diversity of families and the specific needs of migrant
families, in order to increase their visibility and participation.



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