Conference: “Refugee and Migrant Children and Families”
65th ICCFR Annual Conference “Refugee and Migrant Children and Families: Preserving Family Life trough Hard Challenges”
14.-16. November 2019, Rome, Italy
65th ICCFR Annual Conference “Refugee and Migrant Children and Families: Preserving Family Life trough Hard Challenges”
14.-16. November 2019, Rome, Italy
Workhsop “Transnationale Familien, Familienzusammenführung und Integration im Kontext von Flucht”
13. März 2019, MIGRApolis, Bonn, Germany
2. Conference of “The German Network of Refugee Researchers” (Netzwerk Flüchtlingsforschung)
04.-06. October 2018, The Center for Flight and Migration, Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany
Bericht zum Panel “Transnationale Familienkonstellationen im Fluchtkontext”:
Reisenauer, Eveline (2016) Migration. In: Joseph, Paul (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of War. Social Science Perspectives. Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 1061–1063.