Just published: “Parenting by Mothers in Immigrant Families from Poland, Russia and Turkey in Germany”

Öztürk, Yasmin / Reisenauer, Eveline / Castiglioni, Laura / Walper, Sabine (2023) Parenting by Mothers in Immigrant Families from Poland, Russia and Turkey in Germany: Migration-Related Similarities or Origin-Related Differences? In: Comparative Migration Studies 11, 13. DOI: 10.1186/s40878-023-00356-x

Abstract: Even if families in migration contexts have been the subject of an increasing amount of attention in migration research in the recent years, there is a noticeable knowledge deficit with regard to current parenting practices and socialization goals of immigrant families living in Germany. This is particularly striking since child-rearing is of central importance for children’s development and their educational pathways. This paper seeks to fill this gap, drawing on the survey “Growing up in Germany: Everyday Life” (AID:A) provided by the German Youth Institute (DJI). Similarities and differences in attitudes towards parenting among immigrant mothers compared to mothers without migration backgrounds were analyzed with regard to parenting practices (emotional warmth, punishment and child’s active participation) and socialization goals (performance/self-control and positive social behavior). In a sample of 5870 mothers reporting on a child under the age of nine, mothers in families where both they and the father had Turkey, Russia or Poland as their country of origin were included and compared to autochthonic families. The results revealed significant differences in parenting practices and socialization goals between mothers with and without migration backgrounds. Concerning parenting practices, Turkish and Russian mothers differed significantly from German mothers with regard to emotional warmth and punishment. In terms of socialization goals, all immigrant mothers placed more emphasis on both performance/self-control, as well as positive social behavior for their children than mothers without migration backgrounds in Germany.


Job offer: Wissenschaftliche Referentin/ wissenschaftlicher Referent für das Forschungsprojekt DIWAN gesucht

Zur Unterstützung des Forschungsprojekts “Diversität und Wandel der Erziehung in Migrantenfamilien aus der Perspektive von Eltern und Fachpraxis” (DIWAN) am Deutschen Jugendinstitut (DJI) in München suchen wir ab 01.02.2019 eine wissenschaftliche Referentin/ einen wissenschaftlichen Referenten mit Kenntnissen in quantitativen Methoden der Sozialforschung.

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