Conference: “2018 IMISCOE Annual Converence”
15th IMISCOE Annual Converence “Europe, Migrations and the Mediterranean: Human Mobilities and Intercultural Challenges”
02.-04. July 2018, Pompeu Fara University, Barcelona, Spain
15th IMISCOE Annual Converence “Europe, Migrations and the Mediterranean: Human Mobilities and Intercultural Challenges”
02.-04. July 2018, Pompeu Fara University, Barcelona, Spain
“Reflexivität in der qualitativen Sozialforschung: Erkenntnistheoretische Grundlagen, methodologische Erwägungen, forschungspraktische Umsetzung”
Spring meeting of the section Methods of Qualitative Social Research of the German Sociological Association (DGS)
19.-20. March 2018, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
Conference “Grenzüberscheitungen: Migrantinnen und Migranten als Akteure im 20. Jahrhundert”
01.-02. February 2018, University of Bern, Switzerland
Workshop “Transnational Lives: Economies, Bureaucracies, and Desires”
11.-12. Jahuary 2018, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Norway
03.-04. June 2016, Jagiellonian University, Krakow